How Long Should You Wait Between Egg Freezing Cycles?

The thing most women don’t know is that they may have to do more than one cycle of egg freezing.

If your fertility doctor retrieves a low number of eggs then the probability of successfully creating an embryo and then a live birth down the line could also be low. Some women do two cycles, others may have to do three or four.

There are a lot of important factors that are involved (age, finances, hormone levels, your overall health, etc). The question of: how long should I wait between egg freezing cycles? comes up so frequently in the Facebook groups and online forums I’m in that I thought it deserved a blog post.

Read below to hear what experts have to say about this topic and be sure to read my other posts like 9 Ways To Prepare For Egg Freezing and 6 Ways To Save Money On Fertility Medications.

This post is all about how long to wait between egg freezing cycles.

Recommended recovery time before initiating another cycle for optimal results

After undergoing egg retrieval, it’s important to give your body the time it needs to recover before jumping into another cycle for optimal results. Dr. Valerie Libby advises allowing a few weeks for your ovaries to normalize and suggests taking it easy for the rest of the day after the procedure.

This rest and recovery time is crucial for your body to bounce back and be in the best possible condition for the next cycle.

According to Shady Grove Fertility, it is “ideal to complete the first two cycles within 6 months to 1 year, but taking a break as needed is okay.” This means that you have the option to complete cycles back to back or wait several months between cycles to give your body the time it needs to recuperate.

Before starting another cycle, it is important to listen to your body and pay attention to how you are feeling both physically and emotionally. Giving yourself the time to recover and recharge can lead to better outcomes in the long run.

Age and ovarian reserve

As we age, our ovarian reserve, or the number and quality of eggs in our ovaries, naturally declines.

This can have several impacts on fertility, such as a decrease in both the quantity and quality of eggs, making it harder to conceive.

Freezing eggs for younger women can be a proactive way to preserve fertility. By freezing eggs in your 20s or early 30s, you can maximize the chances of a successful future pregnancy, as the eggs are more likely to be of higher quality and have a better chance of resulting in a healthy pregnancy.

If you are in your late 30s (older than 35), it may be wiser to do more cycles closer together than spreading them out over months or years for a better chance of success.

Related post: Timeline of the egg freezing process

Financial costs

The specific financial costs associated with egg freezing can include consultation fees, medication costs, and the actual procedure itself. According to FertilityIQ for self-pay (out-of-pocket) patients, not using insurance coverage, a single cycle of egg freezing often costs $8,000 – $15,000. Storage costs range between $500-1,000 per year.

The good news is, many fertility clinics offer packages for women who do multiple egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) cycles. Shady Grove Fertility for example offers a program called: Assure Fertility Financial Program. This program guarantees either a certain number of eggs or cycles for a flat fee!

Their Assure 20 program means patients can complete up to 4 egg freezing cycles or reach 20 mature eggs, whichever comes first. They also have the Assure 30 program which means a person can complete up to 5 egg freezing cycles or reach 30 mature eggs, whichever comes first.

Programs like this ultimately save you money.

My former colleague Nicole Ellis was 30 when she first started the egg freezing process.

Her fertility specialist estimated she would have needed three cycles to achieve 20 eggs, and that her medication would cost $4,500 per cycle.

Nicole documented her journey on YouTube and said that her total cost to freeze her eggs, using per-cycle pricing, would be $46,500. But, with Shady Grove Fertility’s Assure Fertility bundle pricing, she would save $20,500 on the overall cost of treatment and medications. THAT’S HUGE.

Looking at your financial situation and seeing if there are any deals, discounts, or bundles available is definitely something to highly consider before starting another egg freezing cycle.

Related post: 6 ways to save money on fertility medication

Medical history and overall reproductive health

A woman’s medical history and overall reproductive health also play a big role in determining the best approach and treatment plan for her undergoing further fertility treatments.

For example, if a woman has a history of an irregular menstrual cycle or hormonal imbalances, it could indicate issues with ovulation, which would impact the effectiveness of treatments. Similarly, if there are any existing conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, they could also affect the success of fertility treatments.

Other things such as cysts or fibroids may also have to be addressed before continuing another egg freezing cycle.

Ultimately if you want to do cycles back-to-back or wait a bit, the decision is yours. You know your body best. I hope this post was useful for you. Feel free to message me on Instagram if you have any other egg freezing questions or topic suggestions on what I should write about next.

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