
Hello there!
I’m Amber.

For the ambitious and self-motivated 20 and 30-somethings, this blog is dedicated to helping give women strategies and resources to get one step ahead in their lives and unapologetically become the best version of themselves. 

I’m a journalist, calligrapher, reader, and traveler. On Girl with Drive, you will find realistic egg freezing, money wellness, personal development, and career advice. There’s a lot of societal pressure and expectations for women. I want this blog to help you shape your own path and give you tangible tools to create a future better than what any Instagram grid could highlight. 

I truly believe anyone with the right dose of hard work, community, and positive mindset can achieve whatever they want. 

Thank you for reading!

Get to know me!

  • I graduated college with over $50,000 in scholarships and studied History with a minor in U.S. Latino/a Studies.
  • I did six internships in college. My first one was reviewing reality TV shows for an entertainment blog. I got to interview reality stars when I was just 19!
  • I spend way too much time in the planner aisle in Target. I love daily, weekly, and monthly planning.
  • As a military brat, I traveled around a lot. I started school in Suffolk, England.
  • In 2018 I was worked overnights and was burnt out. I taught myself calligraphy and handlettering as a stress reliever. Two years later I turned it into a side business.

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