Trigger Shot During Egg Freezing: Pain, Timing and Side Effects

One of the most stressful and anxious moments, while I was freezing my eggs, was around the trigger shots. All the women in the egg freezing Facebook groups I was in talked about it and how important it was. My fertility nurse also stressed the significance of it when she called and gave me instructions on how to administer it.

In the end, taking the shot went perfectly smoothly. Yes, doing it at the EXACT time you are told is crucial and the medication does sting a little, but overall it wasn’t bad at all.

In today’s blog post, I hope to calm your fears and to make this as informative as possible.

So if you are going through or about to start egg freezing, egg donation, IVF or IUI this post is for you!

What’s a trigger shot?

The trigger shot is a medication used in fertility treatments to stimulate ovulation and release mature eggs.

It’s usually given to the patient when the follicles are at the right size and the eggs are ready to be released.

The injection typically contains a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which helps the eggs mature and prepares the body for egg retrieval.

What are the benefits of a trigger shot?

The trigger shot can improve the overall success rate of such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg freezing. It also helps to regulate and predict the timing of ovulation, making it easier for doctors to time other fertility treatments and procedures.

How is a trigger shot administered?

The trigger shot is administered via subcutaneous injection, typically in the abdomen, and can be done by the patient, healthcare provider or a partner/friend.

It often takes less than a minute to complete.

What are the side effects of a trigger shot?

Possible side effects of the trigger shot include mild to moderate pain or swelling at the injection site, bloating and discomfort in the abdominal area, and potential mood swings or emotional sensitivity.

These side effects are generally mild and temporary.

What fertility treatments can be performed with a trigger shot?

One of the most common treatments where a trigger shot may be administered is in conjunction with intrauterine insemination (IUI). After monitoring the growth of ovarian follicles, the trigger shot is given to help release the mature eggs. Then the IUI procedure is performed to increase the chances of fertilization.

Also during egg freezing and in vitro fertilization (IVF) the trigger shot is given to help time the egg retrieval process, ensuring that the eggs are at the optimal stage of development before being collected for fertilization in the laboratory.

How effective is a trigger shot?

The trigger shot is highly effective!

According to a 2020 NIH study, the use of a trigger shot resulted in a significantly higher rate of ovulation and pregnancy in women undergoing fertility treatment compared to those who did not receive the injection.

Is the trigger injection painful?

The trigger injection is generally not painful, as the needle is small and the injection is done quickly.

Some people may feel slight discomfort, but it is usually well-tolerated. I felt stinging but the feeling went away after a few seconds.

I have missed my trigger shot. What do I do?

This injection is super important because it helps your body release the eggs at just the right moment.

It’s crucial to take the trigger shot exactly when your doctor or nurse tells you to. Timing is everything when it comes to fertility treatments, so even being a few minutes late can make a big difference. You don’t want to ovulate early!

The Lupron trigger

You may be told to take the Lupron trigger. The main difference between the Lupron trigger and the HcG trigger is the medication used to induce ovulation.

The HcG trigger uses human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG) hormone to trigger ovulation, while the Lupron trigger uses the medication Lupron.

Both triggers aim to stimulate the release of eggs, but the choice between the two methods depends on individual patient needs and the recommendation of their fertility specialist.

Combination trigger

The combination trigger is a mix of HCG and Lupron.

The combination trigger has been found to be more effective at triggering egg maturation and improving the success rates of IVF compared to using just one medication alone.

I hope you found all this information helpful. Best of luck on your journey.

If you are interested in egg freezing specifically, check out all my posts here.

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