When To Move On To Greener Pastures
In the last month my address, relationship status and employment all unexpectedly changed. I felt a mix of emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety. I was really comfortable six weeks ago. But I’ve learned that comfort rarely leads to growth.
During my last day at work I wore this green sweater I got from Shein. I got so many compliments on it and I told people I was moving on to greener pastures. Now let me be clear: greener pastures does not mean better pastures. I think it’s important to know when it is time to leave and move on, even if you’re happy and content where you are in life.

My last job was my dream job. But it was also my first job. I was able to have so many great experiences but I felt like a hit a plateau. When there’s no room for advancement, it’s time to leave. I was comfortable at my job and felt confident in performing all my job duties. But it stopped being challenging and so I had to find greener pastures.
I’ve lived at home with my mom since I graduated college to save money. To be honest, I don’t think I was entirely ready to live on my own. I know I could have handled it but putting money in my savings account and learning some more life skills was more important to me. After almost three years at home I was itching to be on my own. My commute to work was ridiculous, I hated traveling to the city on the weekends to see my friends and I wanted to feel like a real adult. By some miracle I found this amazing apartment at a great price that was just perfect for me. I wasn’t seriously looking to move out but I couldn’t pass up the deal. I think when things fall into your lap, you really have to take it and put your fears aside.

There’s a plethora of reasons why to end your relationship so I’m not going to list them here. But I think people have one of two mindsets in a relationship: Dating for fun or dating for marriage/long-term. If two people aren’t completely on the same page, it just won’t be successful no matter how great the two individuals are. I’m at a point in my life where I’m selfish and working on advancing myself and perhaps a serious relationship isn’t for me. And that’s perfectly okay.
It’s okay to move on. I think we should encourage it more. There’s nothing that frustrates me more than people who stay in situations because they’ve been there a long time. If leaving your job, significant other or home is going to advance you, then do it!
Stay driven.
*Shein gifted me this sweater. All opinions are my own.